
Título Añoorden ascendente
Dwarfism and gigantism drive human-mediated extinctions on islands 2023
Analysis of the electrochemical performance of carbon felt electrodes for vanadium redox flow batteries 2023
The European Parliament, Russia and the War in Ukraine: R2P and beyond 2023
Genome-wide analysis reveals that the Cytochrome P450 Family 7 Subfamily B Member 1 (CYP7B1) gene is implicated in growth traits in Rasa Aragonesa ewes 2023
On-Chip Monitoring of toxic gases: capture and label-free SERS detection with plasmonic mesoporous sorbents 2023
Automatic quantification of myocardial remodeling from label-free microscopy images 2023
Near-real time flash drought monitoring system and dataset for Spain 2023
Core-shell Fe3O4@CoFe2O4 nanoparticles as high-performance anode catalysts for enhanced oxygen evolution reaction 2023
Placental Infection Associated with SARS-CoV-2 Wildtype Variant and Variants of Concern. 2023
Characterization of the pars tuberalis and hypothalamus transcriptome in female sheep under different reproductive stages 2023
Assessment of the global coherence of different types of droughts in model simulations under a high anthropogenic emission scenario. 2023
Molybdenum Diselenide and Tungsten Diselenide Interfacing Cobalt-Porphyrin for Electrocatalytic Hydrogen Evolution in Alkaline and Acidic Media 2023
A nonparametric spatial regression model using partitioning estimators 2023
The global historical climate database HCLIM 2023
Quantification of the resonant energy transfer processes in Er3+/Yb3+ co-doped Ca3Al2Si3O12 glasses 2023
Upregulation of GALNT7 in prostate cancer modifies O-glycosylation and promotes tumour growth 2023
GalNAc-T isozyme surface charge governs charge substrate preferences to modulate mucin type O-glycosylation. 2023
Tungsten disulfide interfacing nickel-porphyrin for photo-enhanced electrocatalytic water oxidation 2023
Asymmetrical plasmon distribution in hybrid AuAg hollow/solid coded nanotubes 2023
Un experimento online sobre conocimiento, opiniones y preferencias fiscales con alumnado de la Universidad de Zaragoza 2023
