
Título Añoorden descendente
Global gene expression profiling of human endometrial receptivity. 2004
Integral field spectroscopy of extended Lyα emission from the DLA galaxy in Q2233+131 2004
Oxygen Mobility in A2Ti(2-y)ZryO7 (A: Gd e Y) Ionic Conductors 2004
Skywalking GEMS and UDF 2004
Which Extreme Values are Really Extreme? 2004
Colors of Active Galactic Nucleus Host Galaxies at 0.5<z<1.1 from the GEMS Survey 2004
The merging/AGN connection: a case for 3D spectroscopy 2004
3D-Spectroscopy with PMAS at Calar Alto 2004
GEMS Imaging of Red-Sequence Galaxies at z~0.7: Dusty or Old? 2004
Associations of Heart fatty acid-binding protein (FABP3) with milk traits in Manchega breed sheep. 2004
Ovine alpha-amylase genes: Isolation, linkage mapping and association analysis with milk traits in Manchega breed sheep. 2004
Evidence for a coupled magnetic-crystallographic transformation in Nd5(Si0.6Ge0.4)4 2004
E3D, the Euro3D visualization tool II: Mosaics, VIMOS data and large IFUs of the future 2004
Crossidium laxefilamentosum Frey & Kürschner (Bryopsida: Pottiaceae), new to Europe and North Africa. 2004
Optical absorption of the Blue Fluorescent Protein: A first-principles study 2005
Agricultural Trade Liberalisation in the Doha Round: Impacts on Spain 2005
Rejuvenation and Memory in Model Spin Glasses 2005
Raman spectroscopy of boron nitride nanotubes and boron nitride—carbon composites 2005
Atlas de Turismo de Castilla-La Mancha. 2005
Structure and fragmentation of glycine, alanine, serine and cysteine radical cations. A theoretical study 2005
