
Título Añoorden ascendente
Cofactor processing in galactose oxidase. 2003
Decisión jurídica y sistemas de información 2003
Gold glyconanoparticles: Synthetic polyvalent ligands mimicking glycocalyx-like surfaces as tools for glycobiological studies 2003
The Productivity of Ground-Based Optical Telescopes of Various Apertures 2003
Solution of Poisson’s equation for finite systems using plane wave methods 2003
Deafness disrupts chloride transport and inhibitory synaptic transmission 2003
Functional recycling of C2 domains throughout evolution: a comparative study of synaptotagmin, protein kinase C and phosholipase C by sequence, structural and modelling approaches 2003
Allozyme and chloroplast DNA variation in island and mainland populations of the rare Spanish endemic, Silene hifacensis (Caryophyllaceae). 2003
Gene expression profiling of human endometrial receptivity on days LH+2 versus LH+7 by microarray technology. 2003
Bar-Driven Galaxy Evolution at Intermediate Redshifts 2003
Nanocomposites based on layered silicate and miscible PVDF/PMMA blends: melt preparation, nanophase morphology and rhelogical behaviour 2003
Life history variation between species of the relictual genus Borderea (Dioscoreaceae): phylogeography, genetic diversity, and population genetic structure assessed by RAPD markers. 2003
Morphologies and SEDs for 10,000 Galaxies to z=1.2: Early Results from GEMS 2003
Structural context to exons in protein domains: implications for protein modelling and design 2003
Magnetic-martensitic transition of Tb5Si2Ge2 studied with neutron powder diffraction 2003
Integral-field spectrophotometry of the quadruple QSO HE 0435-1223: Evidence for microlensing 2003
Mitochondrial DNA content of human spermatozoa. 2003
Differential implication of PKC isoforms in cytotoxic T lymphocyte degranulation perforin/granzyme- and TCR-induced Fas ligand expression 2003
Pressure- induced ferromagnetic correlations in the giant magnetocaloric compound Gd5Ge4 2003
Characterization of ten trinucleotide microsatellite loci in the Critically Endangered Pyrenean yam Borderea chouardii (Dioscoreaceae). 2003
