
Título Añoorden descendente
Kinetics and thermodynamics of FMN binding to Anabæna apoflavodoxin 2000
Synthesis of new Vanadium Cordierite Pigment by Sol-Gel Processing 2000
Population subdivision and genetic diversity in two narrow endemics of Antirrhinum L. 2000
Assignment of maltase glucoamylase (MGAM) to pig chromosome 2 (2q21) by fluorescence in situ hybridization and confirmation by genetic mapping. 2000
Linaria y Chaenorhinum en la Comunidad Valenciana. 2000
Reactive compatibilization of SAN/EPR blends: Reactivity of functional SAN towards co-reactive EPR-g-MA at planar interface 2000
La transmisión telemática de notificaciones 2000
Identificación de perfiles Genéticos humanos y de cérvidos en un caso de caza furtiva. 2000
Juridical communications and the Project Aequitas-Procurators 2000
Electrochemical Lithium Insertion in two Polymorphs of a Reduced Molybdenum Oxide (gamma and gamma’ Mo4O11) 2000
Direct and highly species-specific detection of pork meat and fat in meat products by PCR amplification of mitochondrial DNA. 2000
Síndrome de estrés porcino: aplicación y ventajas de la PCR para su diagnóstico. 2000
Spatial distribution of earthworms in acid-soil savannas of the Eastern plains of Colombia 2001
The binding energetics of first and second generation HIV-1 protease inhibitors: Implications for drug design 2001
Triple C-H Activation of a Cycloalkyl Ketone Using an Osmium-Hexahydride Complex 2001
Fibroblast growth factor homologous factors are intracellular signalling proteins. 2001
Delta2- and Delta3- Azaosmetine Complexes as Intermediates in the Stoichiometric Imination of Phenylacetylene with Oximes 2001
Incorporating target heterogeneity in drug design 2001
Formation and Stereochemistry of Octahedral Cationic Hydride-Azavinylidene Osmium(IV) Complexes 2001
Régime alimentarie d’un ver de terre des savanes colombiennes – une remise en question des types écologiques 2001
