Spin-glass dynamics in the presence of a magnetic field: exploration of microscopic properties

Paga, I.; Zhai, Q.; Baity-Jesi, M.; Calore, E.; Cruz, A.; Fernández, L. A.; Gil-Narvion, J. M.; González-Adalid Pemartin, I.; Gordillo Guerrero, A.; Iñiguez, D.; Maiorano, A.; Marinari, E.; Martin-Mayor, V.; Moreno-Gordo, J.; Muñoz-Sudupe, A.; Navarro, D.; Orbach, R. L.; Parisi, G.; Pérez-Gaviro, S.; Ricci-Tersenghi, F.; Ruiz Lorenzo, J. J.; Schifano, S. F.; Schlagel, D. L.; Seoane, B.; Tarancón, A.; Tripiccione, R.; Yllanes, D. Spin-glass dynamics in the presence of a magnetic field: exploration of microscopic properties. JOURNAL OF STATISTICAL MECHANICS: THEORY AND EXPERIMENT. 2021 - 3, pp. 033301 [49 pp.]. 2021. ISSN 1742-5468 DOI: 10.1088/1742-5468/abdfca
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