Characterization of a SrF2 Scintillating Bolometer

Characterization of a SrF2 Scintillating Bolometer J Low Temp. Phys. (2012) 167:973–978

We present the analysis of the data obtained with a 53 g SrF2 scintillating
bolometer operated at 20 mK. We have analyzed its heat and light response (time
constants, linearity and energy resolution) and measured its scintillation relative efficiency
factor for different particles (alpha, beta/gamma and neutrons). We have studied
the spatial uniformity of the light output profiting from its internal contamination.
The light amplitude of alphas from the delayed coincidence 224Ra→220Rn→216Po
(emitted from the same crystal position) shows a positive correlation, evidence of a
non-uniformity that worsens the light signal energy resolution by more than 50%.