
Title Yearsort ascending
Desarrollo y caracterización de nanoanticuerpos para su uso en el diagnóstico y cirugía guiada por fluorescencia de tumores 2020
Experimental and modeling study of the high-temperature combustion chemistry of tetrahydrofurfuryl alcohol 2020
Bismuth-based colloidal nanocrystals: lead-free materials for solution-processed solar cells 2020
Aquaculture Modelling in a General Equilibrium Framework. An Application for the EU 2020
The dominant environmental driver of leaf water stable isotope enrichment differs for H-2 compared to O-18 2020
New nanomaterials for active food packaging based on antimicrobial and antioxidant polyoxometalates 2020
Nuevos métodos para la búsqueda de combinaciones sinérgicas 2019
Commutator-free Magnus Propagators for Quantum- Classical Molecular Dynamics 2019
Deciphering climatic conditions effect on the ovine sperm transcription by RNA-seq 2019
Cualificación de electrolizadores alcalinos para su participación en servicios de red: validación experimental de protocolo 2019
Nanomaterials For Solar Energy Harvesting 2019
Biochronology of the early Miocene mammal record of the Vallès-Penedès Basin (Catalonia) 2019
Triple oral beta-lactam containing therapy for Buruli ulcer treatment shortening 2019
Mathematical model of meropenem against Mycobacterium tuberculosis 2019
En busca del Caballo de troya ideal para la terapia antitumoral 2019
Genome-wide association study (GWAS) identifies the FecXGr allele in BMP15 segregating in Rasa Aragonesa sheep breed 2019
Dire wolves were the last of ancient New World canid lineage 2019
Placental MSCs and their derivatives as vehicles for the Na/I symporter (hNIS): A new antitumoral therapy. 2019
Kinetic and thermodynamic regulation of the FMN biosynthesis in Homo sapiens 2019
Caracterización de las bandas de energía de semiconductores nanocristalinos empleando diversas técnicas y comparativa entre ellas 2019
