
Titlesort descending Year
The interplay of FurA, FurB/Zur and FurC/PerR paralogs modulates their functional activities in Anabaena PCC7120 2018
The intervening domain from MeCP2 enhances the DNA affinity of the methyl binding domain and provides an independent DNA interaction site 2017
The IPCs: What impact on the concept of civilian power Europe? 2017
The Janus family: a Special Purpose Computer generation devoted to spin glasses 2013
The long-term effects of soil erosion: a global economic analysis. 2021
The Materials for Sustainable Development Conference (MATSUS24) 2024
The Muostakh Island case as an example of destabilization of the Arctic coastal Ice Complex 2009
The naturally nanolayered R5(SixGe1-x)4 materials 2003
The palaeoenvironment of the Middle Pleistocene archaeopalaeontological site of Fontana Ranuccio (Anagni, central Italy) and the implication for the human settlement 2017
The parliamentary dimension of (inter-)regional EU relations with the Mediterranean: does the European Parliament promote its security priorities efficiently through the UfM-Parliamentary Assembly? 2014
The parliamentary dimension of EU external affairs during the 2014 Greek Presidency 2014
The pH-modulation of protein-nucleic acid interfaces is analyzed by a non-invasive NMR method based on histidine imidazoles 2015
The pluripotency marker Rex-1/Zfp42 negatively regulates expression of endogenous retroviruses (ERV) and ERV-associated genes. 2011
The pluripotency marker Rex-1/Zfp42 negatively regulates expression of endogenous retroviruses. 2011
The Potential Land-use Impacts from Solar Energy 2018
The Potential Land-use Impacts from Solar Energy 2018
The Potential of Patterning Molecules and Nanoparticles with Dip‐Pen Nanolithography in Nanotechnology 2020
The protective role of the leaf cuticle against water loss and mechanical damage during leaf development in Quercus ilex 2024
The Pyrolysis Of Resorcinol: Search For Direct CO2 Pathways 2019
The Pyrolysis Of Resorcinol: Search For Direct CO2 Pathways 2019
