
Titlesort descending Year
sobre “La UE en Asia Central: entre la retórica y la práctica de un actor internacional ´diferente 2009
SOFC development at CNH2 2018
Soft design for an rehabilitation exosuit: a preliminary approach 2022
Software abierto (mesa redonda) 2007
Soil data (C, N, P, and pH) in Monte Perdido massif (CPY, Spain) and their relation with abiotic and biotic factors (a GLORIA optional activity) 2010
Soil fauna: key to soil organic matter dynamics and fertility 2016
Soil fauna: key to soil organic matter dynamics and modelling 2015
Soil fauna: key to soil organic matter dynamics and modelling 2015
Soil macroinvertebrate communities as indicators of soil ecosystem services. A meta analysis of the MACROFAUNA data base 2014
Soil macroinvertebrate communities as indicators of soil ecosystem services. A meta analysis of the MACROFAUNA data base 2014
Soil organisms: allies for enhancing sustainable use of soils and climate change adaptation 2020
Soil properties and water discharge NO3- under intensive irrigated agriculture in a degraded semi-arid Mediterranean catchment 2012
Soil water status modulates the temperature dependence of stem CO2 efflux in Quercus ilex and Quercus faginea trees 2024
Solubility and stability enhancement of resveratrol and analogues: a comparative study between modified cyclodextrins and bile acids 2012
Solution derived YBCO-(Y2O3/BaZrO3/Ta-based) nanocomposite films: nanostructure study by means of aberration correctred Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy 2011
Source apportionment of organic aerosol over western Mediterranean insular remote environments (Corsica and Mallorca sites) 2022
Source- and degradation-diagnostic of colloidal organic matter exported by rivers across the Eurasian Arctic margin 2013
Sources and degradation of terrestrial organic matter along the Kolyma paleoriver transect in the East Siberian Sea 2010
Spain, the field of Europe? Changes in crop production during the second half of the twentieth century 2018
Spanish foreign policy and the Spanish Presidency 2009
