
Title Yearsort ascending
Similar and diverse biological activities of mouse granzymes A and B: lessons from ex vivo cytotoxic T cells (Tc) cells 2008
3rd Annual Conference, Panel on The EU as an International Player 2008
Ionic dendrosomes: New nanomaterials 2008
La protección de datos en Aragón: una perspectiva sociológica 2008
Seminario “Os Parlamentos Rexionais e a Gobernanza Multinivel de la Unión Europea 2008
Seminario Internacional sobre Europa y el Mediterráneo: política migratoria, seguridad y defensa 2008
Black Carbon in Seasonally Dry Tropical Forests of Costa Rica 2008
Allosteric activation of the Hepatitis C virus NS3 protease 2008
Flavodoxin: A new drug target 2008
Interaction of FNR with their ligands NADP+ and Fd/Fld. Themodynamic characterization by isothermal titration calorimetry 2008
FAD synthetase from Corynebacterium ammoniagenes: A bifunctional enzyme involved in flavin metabolism 2008
Characterization of FAD synthetase from Corynebacterium ammoniagenes by isothermal titration calorimetry 2008
Cambios conformacionales y activación alostérica de la proteasa NS3 del virus de la Hepatitis C 2008
3rd Pan-hellenic Conference on IPE: The International Economy in the 21th Century: Towards Globalization or Regionalization? 2008
Influence of growth temperature and tryptone concentration on plasmid DNA production 2008
Opinión pública europea y la guerra de Irak´ (con George Tzogopoulos) 2008
Cell response against water stable magnetic nanoparticles obtained by thermal decomposition procedure 2007
Magnetically-charged dendritic cells for tumor targeting 2007
Tat-peptide as an efficient molecule to translocate gold nanoparticles and CdS quantum dots into cell nucleus 2007
The Gd2 -yLayZr2O7 solid solution as a new electrolyte for high-temperature SOFCs 2007
