
Title Yearsort descending
Exploring genome-wide diversity in the National Peach (Prunus persica) Reference Collections at CITA and EEAD-CSIC (Zaragoza, Spain) 2020
[Invited speaker:] The monastery of Piedra in professional stereoscopic photography, 19th and 20th centuries. 4th International Conference Stereo & Immersive Media, Lusofona University, Lisboa 2020
Oligomerization properties and structural insights of FurC (PerR) 2020
“The map precedes the territory”: Thinking through the moral economies in cartographies of border externalization 2020
Gestión de datos: Oportunidad de competitividad empresarial 2020
Probing the antiknock effect of anisole through an ignition, speciation and modeling study of its blends with isooctane 2020
The Potential of Patterning Molecules and Nanoparticles with Dip‐Pen Nanolithography in Nanotechnology 2020
¿Por qué es fundamental un seguimiento de los individuos que conforman las poblaciones para conservar especies? El caso del topillo nival en el Parque Nacional de Ordesa y Monte Perdido 2020
Bismuth-based colloidal nanocrystals: lead-free materials for solution-processed solar cells 2020
Geoethics syllabus: a proposal to teach in higher education 2020
Human apoptosis inducing factor: Molecular basis of its cellular activities and neurodegenerative disorders 2020
Insights into synaptotagmin-1 C2B domain as a putative target for new analgesic 2020
Fighting Mycobacterium abscessus infection in Cystic Fibrosis patients 2020
Development of photoactive materials for the removal of persistent organic pollutants (POP’s) from wastewater using solar light 2020
Desarrollo y caracterización de nanoanticuerpos para su uso en el diagnóstico y cirugía guiada por fluorescencia de tumores 2020
Changes in the electricity sector: Testing different scenarios using supply and use tables for Spain 2020
Unveiling protein-protein interactions between Fur paralogs from Anabaena sp. PCC7120 2020
Dendrímeros de bis-MPA y glicina como transportadores de fármacos para tratamiento de Malaria y Hepatitis C 2020
Border Externalization: Trajectories and future directions for the study of dis/un/re-placed borders. Panel Session A 2020
Development Of An Efficient In Vitro High-Throughput Method To Discover New Combinatorial Therapies Against Non-Tuberculous Mycobacteria 2020
