
Título Añoorden ascendente
Valoración del gasto en servicios públicos por la ciudadanía española: sociodemografía, actitudes, valores y economía política 2024
Climate change as a veiled driver of migration in Bangladesh and Ghana 2024
The determinants of Spaniards’ preferences over favoring wealth taxation: do they behave similarly across different policy alternatives? 2024
Regions may share factors of production, too: Implementation of topologies within the World Trade Model 2023
Networks of action situations in point-source pollution: the case of winery wastewater in Aragon, Spain 2023
Green jobs in the Spanish renewable energy sector: an input-output approach 2023
Un experimento online sobre conocimiento, opiniones y preferencias fiscales con alumnado de la Universidad de Zaragoza 2023
Eating local and in-season fruits and vegetables: Carbon-water-employment trade-offs and synergies 2022
Gender dimensions of the migration, environment and care nexus: The case study of the Mahanadi delta, India   2022
A new accounting framework for assessing forest footprint of nations 2022
Colaboración, interdisciplinariedad e internacionalización en la construcción de aprendizajes significativos. la experiencia del seminario de pensamiento económico crítico 2022
Nations’ water footprints and virtual water trade of wood products 2022
The potential land requirements and related land use change emissions of solar energy 2021
Theoretical and empirical characterization of water as a factor: examples and related issues with the World Trade Model 2021
Developing the food, water and energy nexus for food and energy scenarios with the World Trade Model 2021
Grupo de Investigación en Crecimiento, Demanda y Recursos Naturales (CREDENAT), Universidad de Zaragoza. Modelo EDISON*, tablas y modelos input-output con desagregaciones energéticas para el análisis de políticas 2021
The role of fiscal measures in promoting renewable electricity in Spain 2021
Basque Center for Climate Change (BC3). Modelo DENIO: modelo Dinámico Econométrico Neokeynesiano Input-Output para España. 2021
Energy-socio-economic-environmental modelling for the EU energy and post-COVID-19 transitions 2021
Effects of climate change and management policies on marine fisheries productivity in the north-east coast of India 2020
