
Título Añoorden ascendente
Diplomacia parlamentaria, política exterior populista y derechos humanos: la reacción del presidente López Obrador a la resolución del Parlamento Europeo de 2022 2024
The European Parliament, Russia and the War in Ukraine: R2P and beyond 2023
El Parlamento Europeo como tribuna moral internacional: el caso de Venezuela 2022
Parliamentary Diplomacy: A Review Article 2021
A "dark side" to French parliamentary diplomacy? Evidence from the Syrian and Ukrainian conflicts 2021
The Eurozone crisis’ impact: a de-Europeanization of Greek and Portuguese foreign policies? 2021
The Hellenic Parliament’s use of digital media in its response to the 2019 Turkey-Libya Memorandum of Understanding on maritime boundaries in the Mediterranean Sea: a preliminary assessment 2021
Attendance at the Interparliamentary Conference on the CFSP/CSDP: Fostering the Emergence of a Parliamentary Epistemic Community in the EU? 2021
Book Review of The Rise and Fall of Europeanization. What is Next for EU-Turkey Relations? 2020
Culture and geopolitics in the Eastern Mediterranean: Greek parliamentary diplomacy and the World Hellenic Inter-Parliamentary Association (WHIA) 2020
“Do NOT shoot the messenger”: a critique of the existing literature on the European Parliament and Turkey 2020
Cyprus and the European Union 2020
The European Parliament, R2P and the Venezuelan crisis 2020
‘‘Civilian Power Europe’ and the Syrian Conflict’ 2019
La diplomacia parlamentaria: el papel de los Parlamentos en el mundo 2019
Book review of ´Daniel Innerarity, La democracia en Europa [Democracy in Europe] 2019
´The Parliamentary Dimension of the EU Rotating Presidency: bringing back national concerns through the “backdoor”?´ 2019
Why the Setting Up of Interparliamentary Conferences (IPCs) in the EU Revitalizes the Neglected Concept of “Civilian Power Europe” (CPE) 2018
El derecho a la autodeterminación de los pueblos en la protodiplomacia parlamentaria catalana: los casos palestino y saharui 2018
Special Issue on “Joint scrutiny of EU policies: the contribution of inter-parliamentary cooperation”, Perspectives on Federalism 2018
