
Título Añoorden ascendente
The European Parliament, R2P and Libya 2014
The Europeanization of foreign policies and the international crisis in context: old and new conceptual and theoretical puzzles 2014
mesa redonda presidencia griega UE 2014 2014
Post-Lisbon Democratic Control and Legitimacy of EU Foreign Policy 2014
The parliamentary dimension of EU external affairs during the 2014 Greek Presidency 2014
The parliamentary dimension of (inter-)regional EU relations with the Mediterranean: does the European Parliament promote its security priorities efficiently through the UfM-Parliamentary Assembly? 2014
invited participant 2014
Fronteras, soberanía y nuevos conceptos internacionales: la responsabilidad de proteger (R2P) 2014
Inter-parliamentary Conferences in the EU and Inter-parliamentary Assemblies: which international role for MPs? 2014
invited expert speaker 2014
Do members of the European Parliament share the same geopolitical view of the Mediterranean? 2013
Discussant, panel on The Impact of The Economic and Financial Crisis on the (De-)Europeanization of National Foreign Policies: Examples from Mediterranean Countries 2013
Cosmopolitanism and the Democratization of World Society: What role for International Parliamentary Institutions (IPIs)? 2013
The role of International Parliamentary Institutions in the building of democratic and responsible multi-level and multi-actor global governance: examples from the EU´s external dimension, the Euro-Mediterranean region and birregional EU-Latin American st 2013
´Post-conflict Libya reconstruction and reconciliation: what role for Europe´s paradiplomatic and parliamentary actors?´ 2013
Multi-level parliamentary diplomacy: what role for the EU´s interregional parliamentary assemblies? 2013
discussant 2013
The EP as an international actor 2013
´The crisis in Syria: What role(s) for the European Union and the European Parliament´ [n Greek] 2013
The contribution of parliamentary diplomacy to Responsibility to Protect (R2P) in the Mediterranean: The European Parliament and Libya 2013
