
Titlesort ascending Year
XIII Jornadas sobre Producción animal 2009
Xenobiotics that affect oxidative phosphorylation alter differentiation of human adipose-derived stem cells at concentrations that are found in human blood. 2015
Wrap to sort 2021
Worldwide occurrence of hemoplasmas in wildlife: insights into the patterns of infection, transmission, pathology, and zoonotic potential. 2020
Within-brood size differences, sex and parasites determine blood stress protein levels in Eurasian Kestrel nestlings. 2004
Wine by-products feeding on ewe physiological traits, milk quality and the meat quality of their suckling lambs 2018
Wild boar rooting and livestock grazing activities affect alpine earthworm communities in the Central Pyrenees (Spain) 2014
Widespread Infection with Hemotropic Mycoplasmas in Free-Ranging Dogs and Wild Foxes Across Six Bioclimatic Regions of Chile. 2021
Wide genomic analysis of human endometrial receptivity. New times, new opportunities. 2007
Why the Setting Up of Interparliamentary Conferences (IPCs) in the EU Revitalizes the Neglected Concept of “Civilian Power Europe” (CPE) 2018
Whole-organ bioengineering: current tales of modern alchemy 2014
Whole sequence of the mitochondrial DNA genome of Kearns Sayre síndrome patients: identification of deletions and variants. 2018
Whole Organ Decellularization - A Tool for Bioscaffold Fabrication and Organ Bioengineering 2009
Whispering Gallery Mode Lasing from Hexagonal Shaped Layered Lead Iodide Crystals 2015
Which Extreme Values are Really Extreme? 2004
Where does employment really occur due to investments in wind energy? 2024
What’s the big deal? Estimates of agricultural trade benefits to the Spanish economy from a potential Doha agreement 2008
What municipal websites supply and citizens demand: a search engine optimisation approach 2019
What is wrong with current translocations? A review and a decision‐making proposal. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 2012
What happens to earthworm casts in the soil? A field study of C and N dynamics in the Neotropical savannas 2007
