
Title Yearsort descending
Arabidopsis FNRL protein is an NADPH-dependent chloroplast oxidoreductase resembling bacterial ferredoxin-NADP+ reductases 2018
A Multivariate Study of Internet Use and the Digital Divide 2018
Thermal Liquid Biopsy for monitoring melanoma patients under surveillance during treatment: A pilot study 2018
Development and properties of high thermal conductivity molybdenum carbide - graphite composites 2018
Why the Setting Up of Interparliamentary Conferences (IPCs) in the EU Revitalizes the Neglected Concept of “Civilian Power Europe” (CPE) 2018
Dietary response of early Pleistocene ungulate communities to the climate oscillations of the Gelasian/Calabrian transition in Central Italy 2018
Differential NtcA responsiveness to 2-oxoglutarate underlies the diversity of C/N balance regulation in Prochlorococcus 2018
Multiband Light Emission and Nanoscale Chemical Analyses of Carbonized Fumed Silica 2018
In-flow protein immobilization monitored by Magnetic Resonance Imaging 2018
Design and Fabrication of the Second-Generation KID-Based Light Detectors of CALDER 2018
Chemoenzymatic Approaches to the Synthesis of the Calcimimetic Agent Cinacalcet Employing Transaminases and Ketoreductases 2018
Neuroanatomy of Lohuecosuchus megadontos (Eusuchia, Allodaposuchidae) from the Campanian-Maastrichtian (Late Cretaceous) of Spain. 2018
Bioengineering organs for blood detoxification 2018
Aerosol sources in the western Mediterranean during summertime: a model-based approach 2018
Frailty, Disability, and Ambulatory Blood Pressure in Older Adults. 2018
Hydraulic Constraints to Whole-Tree Water Use and Respiration in Young Cryptomeria Trees under Competition 2018
Thermal liquid biopsy as a new tool for lung cancer patients diagnostic: Pilot study 2018
Generation of a human iPSC-based model for tauopathies combining three MAPT mutations which displays several phenotypes linked to neurodegeneration 2018
Web-Based Bioinformatics Predictors: Recommendations to Assess Lysosomal Cholesterol Trafficking Diseases-Related Genes 2019
Ligand‐based design of a potent inhibitor of NUPR1 exerting anticancer activity via necroptosis 2019
