
Title Yearsort ascending
Adaptive Dynamics of Settlement Models in the Urban Landscape of Termez (Uzbekistan) fromc. 300 BCE to c. 1400 CE 2023
Song dialects drive species discrimination in nestling songbirds 2023
Articulating Europe from the Sephardic Margin: Restoring Citizenship for Expulsed Jews, and not Muslims, in Spain? 2023
Impact of oestrus synchronization devices on ewes vaginal microbiota and artificial insemination outcome 2023
"Primeras miradas fotográficas al conjunto monástico [de San Juan de la Peña], 1878-1903" 2023
Ti-Modified Imogolite Nanotubes as Promising Photocatalyst 1D Nanostructures for H2 Production 2023
The timing of the deglaciation in the Atlantic Iberian mountains: Insights from the stratigraphic analysis of a lake sequence in Serra da Estrela (Portugal) 2023
[Libro] I Encuentro sobre el patrimonio fotográfico de Aragón 2023
Disentangling leaf structural and material properties in relation to their anatomical and chemical compositional traits in oaks (Quercus L.) 2023
Functional coefficient quantile regression model with time-varying loadings. 2023
Optimal deep neural networks by maximization of the approximation power 2023
New data on the mammalian fauna from the late middle Eocene (MP 15–16) of Mazaterón (Soria, Spain): The youngest presence of the genus Prodissopsalis (Hyaenodonta, Hyaenodontidae) in Europe 2023
Assessment of vapor pressure deficit variability and trends in Spain and possible connections with soil moisture 2023
Superposition principle and nonlinear response in spin glasses 2023
New active packaging based on encapsulated carvacrol, with emphasis on its odour masking strategies 2023
Partial quenching of electronic Raman scattering in double-wall carbon nanotubes by interlayer coupling 2023
"El cielo al alcance de sus manos: aquellos gabinetes fotográficos zaragozanos del Coso (1856-1887)" 2023
Ontogenetic changes in root and shoot respiration, fresh mass and surface area of Fagus crenata 2023
Double redox aqueous capacitor with high energy output 2023
Influence of the interannual variability of meteorological drought on the cross-interactions of ecological and hydrological drought in the central Spanish Pyrenees 2023
