
Title Yearsort ascending
[Libro] IV Jornadas sobre Investigación en Historia de la Fotografía. 1839-1939 / IV Conference on research in History of Photography. 1839-1939: A Century of Photography 2023
Networks of action situations in point‑source pollution: the case of winery wastewater in Aragon, Spain 2023
Blood transcriptome of Rasa Aragonesa rams with different sexual behavior phenotype reveals CRYL1 and SORCS2 as genes associated with this trait 2023
Pre- and post-drought conditions drive resilience of Pinus halepensis across its distribution range 2023
"Primeras miradas fotográficas al conjunto monástico [de San Juan de la Peña], 1878-1903" 2023
Ti-Modified Imogolite Nanotubes as Promising Photocatalyst 1D Nanostructures for H2 Production 2023
Assessment of vapor pressure deficit variability and trends in Spain and possible connections with soil moisture 2023
Superposition principle and nonlinear response in spin glasses 2023
A Combined Experimental and Modeling Study on Isopropyl Nitrate Pyrolysis 2023
Optimal deep neural networks by maximization of the approximation power 2023
New data on the mammalian fauna from the late middle Eocene (MP 15–16) of Mazaterón (Soria, Spain): The youngest presence of the genus Prodissopsalis (Hyaenodonta, Hyaenodontidae) in Europe 2023
Archaeological Prospection with CORONA and WV-3 Satellite Imagery of the Archaeological Site of Zar Tepe (Uzbekistan) 2023
Exotic electronic properties of 2D nanosheets isolated from liquid phase exfoliated phyllosilicate minerals 2023
Partial quenching of electronic Raman scattering in double-wall carbon nanotubes by interlayer coupling 2023
Double redox aqueous capacitor with high energy output 2023
Holocene climates of the Iberian Peninsula: pollen-based reconstructions of changes in the west–east gradient of temperature and moisture 2023
The First Systematic Meteorological Observations in the Americas (Recife, 1640–42) 2023
Reevaluating Near-Infrared Reflectance as a Tool for the Study of Plant Water Status in Holm Oak (Quercus ilex subsp. rotundifolia) 2023
Room-temperature anomalous Hall effect in graphene in interfacial magnetic proximity with EuO grown by topotactic reduction 2023
How to map together 2023
