
Title Yearsort descending
Janus Dendrimers to Assess the Anti-HCV Activity of Molecules in Cell-Assays 2020
Neuroanatomical and neurosensorial analysis of the Late Cretaceous basal eusuchian Agaresuchus fontisensis (Cuenca, Spain) 2020
Chemistry of dry and wet atmospheric deposition over the Balearic Islands, NW Mediterranean: Source apportionment and African dust areas 2020
Albumin-Based Nanostructures for Uveal Melanoma Treatment. 2020
Global Characterization of the Varying Responses of the Standardized Precipitation Evapotranspiration Index to Atmospheric Evaporative Demand 2020
Culture and geopolitics in the Eastern Mediterranean: Greek parliamentary diplomacy and the World Hellenic Inter-Parliamentary Association (WHIA) 2020
Perspectives on the Economics of the Environment in the Shadow of Coronavirus 2020
The paralogue of the intrinsically disordered nuclear protein 1 has a nuclear localization sequence that binds to human importin alpha3 2020
Identification of risk features for complication in Gaucher''s disease patients: A machine learning analysis of the Spanish registry of Gaucher disease 2020
Pro-Pluvia Rogation Ceremonies in Extremadura (Spain): Are They a Good Proxy of Winter NAO? 2020
Production of a Granulysin-Based, Tn-Targeted Cytolytic Immunotoxin Using Pulsed Electric Field Technology 2020
Genetic characterization of Carnivore Parvoviruses in Spanish wildlife reveals domestic dog and cat-related sequences. 2020
Network bipartitioning in the anti-communicability Euclidean space 2020
Evaluation of the corrosion resistance of Ni(P)Cr coatings for bipolar plates by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy 2020
Worldwide occurrence of hemoplasmas in wildlife: insights into the patterns of infection, transmission, pathology, and zoonotic potential. 2020
Ser and Thr Acceptor Preferences of the GalNAc-Ts Vary Among Isoenzymes to Modulate Mucin Type O-Glycosylation 2020
DEMETRA: Suppression of the Relaxation Induced by Radioactivity in Superconducting Qubits 2020
Hubs-attracting” Laplacian and related synchronization processes on networks. 2020
The Multifaceted Function of Granzymes in Sepsis: Some Facts and a Lot to Discover. 2020
Performance of fourth and sixth‐order commutator‐free Magnus expansion integrators for Ehrenfest dynamics 2020
