
Title Yearsort ascending
Unspecific cooperative ligand binding to one-dimensional lattice-like macromolecules 2006
Photoabsorption spectra of Ti8 C12 metallocarbohedryne isomers: Theoretical spectroscopy within time-dependent density functional theory 2006
The spin glass transition of the three dimensional Heisenberg spin glass 2006
Foraging activity and use of space by Lesser Kestrel Falco naumanni in relation to agrarian management in central Spain. 2006
Mechanisms of C sequestration in soils of Latin America 2006
Determination of chiral indices of individual single-and double-walled boron nitride nanotubes by electron diffraction 2006
Ligand binding to one-dimensional lattice-like macromolecules: Analysis of the McGhee - von Hippel theory implemented in isothermal titration calorimetry 2006
From physics to biology: The interface between experiment and computation - BIFI2006 II International Conference 2006
Effects of ionization on N-glycylglycine peptide: Influence of intramolecular hydrogen bonds 2006
Ianus: an Adpative FPGA Computer 2006
Mitochondria mediate host and pathogen induced apoptosis 2006
Chemical variations in the biostructures produced by soil ecosystem engineers – Examples from the Neotropical savannas. 2006
Optical Gap Measurements of Boron Nitride Nanotubes by EELS 2006
octopus: a tool for the application of time-dependent density functional theory 2006
Study of the phase transition in the 3d Ising spin glass from out of equilibrium numerical simulations 2006
Spatial dissociation between two endogeic earthworms in the Colombian “Llanos”. 2006
Assignment of Chiral Indices of Boron Nitride Nanotubes by Electron Diffraction 2006
A comparative study of several material models for prediction of hyperelastic properties: Application to Silicone-Rubber and Soft Tissues. 2006
The values of soil animals for conservation biology 2006
Assembly of an Allenylidene Ligand, a Terminal Alkyne, and an Acetonitrile Molecule: Formation of Osmacyclopentapyrrole Derivatives 2006
