
Title Yearsort descending
Mitochondrial m.13513G>A point mutation in ND5 in a 16-year-old man with Leber hereditary optic neuropathy detected by next-generation sequencing. 2019
Communicability geometry of multiplexes 2019
Arm-less mitochondrial tRNAs conserved for over 30 millions of years in spiders 2019
Daily rhythms of body temperature around lambing in sheep measured non-invasively 2019
Mathematical modelling of complex networks resilience to external stress 2019
Final strategy plan for commercial exploitation of high pressure water electrolysers. 2019
Perforin and Granzyme B Expressed by Murine Myeloid-Derived Suppressor Cells: A Study on Their Role in Outgrowth of Cancer Cells 2019
Analysis of backgrounds for the ANAIS-112 dark matter experiment 2019
The socioeconomic future of deltas in a changing environment 2019
QED with magnetic textures 2019
One-pot preparation of iron/alumina catalyst for the efficient growth of vertically-aligned carbon nanotube forests 2019
Degradation Mechanism and Relative Stability of Methylammonium Halide Based Perovskites Analyzed on the Basis of Acid-Base Theory, 2019
Detection of Rabbit Hemorrhagic Disease Virus GI.2/RHDV2/B in the Mediterranean Pine Vole (Microtus duodecimcostatus) and White- Toothed Shrew (Crocidura russula). 2019
Thermal Liquid Biopsy (TLB): A predictive score derived from serum thermograms as a clinical tool for screening lung cancer patients 2019
MeCP2-E1 isoform is a dynamically expressed, weakly DNA-bound protein with different protein and DNA interactions compared to MeCP2-E2 2019
Parasite-mediated selection in red grouse -consequences for population dynamics and mate choice 2019
Light-matter interaction in the nonperturbative regime: a lecture 2019
Triple oral beta-lactam containing therapy for Buruli ulcer treatment shortening 2019
The Mpemba effect in spin glasses is a persistent memory effect 2019
Ketogenic treatment reduces the percentage of a LHON heteroplasmic mutation and increases mtDNA amount of a LHON homoplasmic mutation. 2019
