
Title Yearsort ascending
Invited talk. HIGGS presentation 2021
ANAIS-112 three years annual modulation results: testing the DAMA/LIBRA positive signal 2021
Annual ​M​odulation ​R​esults ​F​rom ​Three​ ​–​Y​ear ​E​xposure of ANAIS-112 2021
Dark matter annual modulation with ANAIS-112: three years result 2021
Introducción sobre la economía circular y el sector del agua 2021
Nanosemiconductors for light harvesting: solar cells and beyond 2021
(Invited). Transmission – „The HIGGS Project“ 2021
Pathogens shared by wild and domestic carnivores: lessons from Chile and Spain 2021
Dark matter annual modulation with ANAIS-112:three years results 2021
Polvo sahariano en el PNOMP: estudiando el presente para conocer el pasado 2021
Activist Mapping and Mapping as Activism 2021
Distribution and storage: converting infrastructure and exploring Iberia’s potential to store hydrogen 2021
En busca del Caballo de troya ideal para la terapia antitumoral 2020
Geoethical issues in Palaeontology at a glance (keynote as invited speaker) 2020
Investigación y asistencia sanitaria. Presente y futuro. Juan Calatayud y Alberto Jiménez Schuhmache 2020
Hydrogen In Gas GridS: a systematic validation approach at various admixture levels into high-pressure grids 2020
Borders and Migration in Global World 2020
Participación como relator y comentarista crítico de artículo 2020
Diplomacia parlamentaria griega 2020
How to be winner in the game of evolution: A simplified history of the success of ruminants (keynote as invited speaker) 2020
