
Titlesort ascending Year
Polvo sahariano en el PNOMP: estudiando el presente para conocer el pasado 2021
política exterior de la UE” y “política euromediterránea" 2011
Plasec, experiencia de algunas entidades beneficiarias del programa Innova Aragón 2004
Plan de presentación de los resultados de los proyectos de INIA 2012
Placental MSCs and their derivatives as vehicles for the Na/I symporter (hNIS): A new antitumoral therapy. 2018
Perovskite solar cells and their challenges to become a commercial and competitive technology. 2021
Peach breeding 2018
Pathogens shared by wild and domestic carnivores: lessons from Chile and Spain 2021
Participación como relator y comentarista crítico de artículo 2020
Parliamentary diplomacy and conflict resolution in the Mediterranean 2011
Pan-genomes: estimating the true genomic diversity of species 2017
Overview through the Janus dedicated machine generation 2013
Overcoming tumor and virus strategies to keep cells alive: Translation of mouse models into a human disease 2011
Origin of strain-induced domain wall ferromagnetism in multiferroic TbMnO3 thin films 2014
OPTIKA: a new high content drug combination dynamic assay 2020
Opposing roles of inflammatory and cytotoxic granzymes in ulcerative colitis and CRC development 2017
Open Government Data 2010
Open Data y Medios de Comunicación 2013
On the challenges on developing high-performance porous ceramics for energy related technologies 2016
Objetivo: mejorar la calidad del fruto de melocotón y otros frutales de hueso 2020
