
Títuloorden descendente Año
Design and manufacture of a 1 kW all-vanadium redox flow battery (Final Master Thesis) 2021
Design of solar-driven photocatalysts based on g-C3N4 for the removal of water pollutants (TFM) 2021
Designing DNA nanostructures as contrast agents in multispectral optoacoustic tomography towards cancer theranostics (TFM) 2017
Detecting structural breaks via U-statistic type processes 2011
Determinación de sinergias antibióticas en patógenos de interés sanitario (Tesis de Grado, TFG) 2018
Development and characterization of nanobodies targeting ABCC3 for glioblastoma immunoguided applications 2023
Development and characterization of novel high temperature and pressure alkaline electrolysis cells 2018
Development of Solar Cells Based on Perovskite-Nanocrystal Heterojunction.(TFM) 2021
Development of solar cells based on perovskite-nanocrystal heterojunctions (TFM) 2021
Dinámica evolutiva de la plasticidad fenotípica en rasgos de historia vital en Papamoscas cerrojillo Ficedula hypoleuca. 2020
Diode and memristive behaviour of Perovskite/AgBIS2 NPs solar cells (TFM) 2023
Diseño de constructos para el estudio de la interacción FurA-DNA mediante métodos de molécula única (beca iniciación INA) 2008
Diseño de constructos para el estudio de la interacción FurA-DNA mediante métodos de molécula única (TAD) 2008
Diseño de superficies biofuncionales para intervenir en procesos de adhesión celular 2010
Disfunción del sistema de fosforilación oxidativa en la enfermedad de Parkinson: Desarrollo de un modelo celular. 2014
Distribution, transmission, and risk factors of infection with canine vector-borne pathogens in wild foxes and free-ranging dogs in Chile 2021
DNA-based nanostructures for targeted drug delivery to treat pancreatic cancer (TFG) 2020
DNA-Polymer Assemblies for Therapeutic Delivery 2022
Dynamic Covalent Polymers for the Development of Gene Delivery Vectors. (TFG) 2020
