
Título Añoorden descendente
Dynamics of competition over water in a mixed oak-pine Mediterranean forest: spatio-temporal and physiological components 2016
Factors preventing the performance of oxygen isotope ratios as indicators of grain yield in maize 2016
Water use segregation among plants with contrasting root depth and distribution along gypsum hills 2017
Contrasting ecophysiological strategies related to drought: the case of a mixed stand of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) and a submediterranean oak (Quercus subpyrenaica) 2017
High-carotenoid maize: development of plant biotechnology prototypes for human and animal health and nutrition 2018
Evaluation of the effect of the 2011 Tsunami on coastal forests by means of multiple isotopic analyses of tree-rings 2018
Hydraulic Constraints to Whole-Tree Water Use and Respiration in Young Cryptomeria Trees under Competition 2018
Scarce population genetic differentiation but substantial spatiotemporal phenotypic variation of water‑use efficiency in Pinus sylvestris at its western distribution range 2018
Vertical sheep mobility along the altitudinal gradient through stable isotope analyses in tooth molar bioapatite, meteoric water and pastures: A reference from the Ebro valley to the Central Pyrenees 2018
Living in Drylands: Functional Adaptations of Trees and Shrubs to Cope with High Temperatures and Water Scarcity 2020
The Green Side of the Water Cycle: New Advances in the Study of Plant Water Dynamics 2020
Adsorption of polyethylene microbeads and physiological effects on hydroponic maize 2020
Stable carbon isotopes in archaeological plant remains 2020
Revisiting the Functional Basis of Sclerophylly Within the Leaf Economics Spectrum of Oaks: Different Roads to Rome 2020
Southeastern Rear Edge Populations of Quercus suber L. Showed Two Alternative Strategies to Cope with Water Stress 2020
Editorial: The Green Side of the Water Cycle: New Advances in the Study of Plant Water Dynamics 2020
Root Architecture and Functional Traits of Spring Wheat Under Contrasting Water Regimes 2020
Contrasting functional strategies following severe drought in two Mediterranean oaks with different leaf habit: Quercus faginea and Quercus ilex subsp. rotundifolia 2021
Consistent scaling of whole-shoot respiration between Moso bamboo (Phyllostachys pubescens) and trees 2021
Gypsum-exclusive plants accumulate more leaf S than non-exclusive species both in and off gypsum 2021
