
Título Añoorden ascendente
Disentangling water sources in a gypsum plant community. Tracing the use of gypsum crystalline water 2021
Modelo PIE: Una nueva propuesta para analizar las movilizaciones sociales en la esfera digital basada en el caso #metoo 2021
An Economic-Industrial Walk Through European Bioeconomy Landscapes 2021
ANAIS-112 status and preliminary 3 years results 2021
Beta-lactams against Mycobacterium kansasii 2021
La marta que no era marta: nuevo mustélido (Mammalia, Carnivora) del Mioceno medio de Zaragoza y Soria 2021
Essays on the electricity sector in Spain and other input-output applications 2021
Translational research in MeCP2-related diseases 2021
Injection of hydrogen in high-pressure gas grids: technical, regulatory and legal aspects 2021
Ceramic based biocatalytic reactors: processing and functionalization with biocatalysts 2021
Chilean wildlife in rehabilitation centers: Are they reservoirs of antimicrobial resistance? 2021
Opportunities of using NiOx nanoparticles to grow thin films 2021
Caracterización del remodelado cardiaco asociado a la edad en el ventrículo izquierdo humano 2021
Casual explanations for the evolution of "low gear" locomotion in insular ruminants 2021
A Combined Theoretical/Experimental Laboratory Study on Isopropyl Nitrate Pyrolysis 2021
Round table: Accreditations, scholarships and curriculum 2021
Looking for Holocene Pyrenean archives of Saharan dust deposition: The Arxuri peatbog and the Marboré lake 2021
Case Study Presenter: H2 injection into the gas grid 2021
Drug discovery for inhibiting 3CLPro: an essential protease of SARS-CoV-2 2021
Characterization of dynamic and thermodynamic features of African dust outbreaks over the western Mediterranean basin: trend analysis for the 1948-2020 period 2021
