
Títuloorden descendente Año
Indicadores para comparar la efectividad de los sistemas sanitarios en la OCDE 2012
Individual Magnetic Vortices Investigated by nanoSQUID Magnetometry 2017
Inflamación inducida por células T citotoxicas y NK 2013
Inflammation induced by the serine-protease granzyme A in inflammatory/autoimmune disorders and host protection: a selective target to fight the dark side of inflammation? 2015
Inmunoterapia cancer. Anticuerpos frente a puntos de control 2018
Inmunoterapia y cáncer. Conceptos básicos 2016
Innovations and Green Chemistry 2007
Innovative drug discovery and development strategies for antibacterial therapy: a focus on neglected diseases  2018
Insights into the molecular basis of Protein O-glycosylation: lessons learnt from two different family of protein O-glycosyltransferases. 2018
Institutionalizing paradiplomacy and parliamentary diplomacy in the Union for the Mediterranean (UfM): The role of the Euro-Mediterranean Parliamentary Assembly and the Euro-Mediterranean Regional and Local Assembly 2010
Integración, soberanía e independencia: lecciones del proceso de integración UE, su ampliación, con especial referencia al problema de Chipre 2009
Interaccion proteina-ligando 2009
Interacciones biomoleculares 2013
Interacciones macromoleculares 2010
Interacciones macromoleculares 2007
Interacciones moleculares 2011
International Dendrimer Symposium 2013
International Parliamentary Institutions: General Findings and Lessons from the Euro-Mediterranean 2012
Interplay of structure and magnetism in the magnetocaloric compounds R5(SixGe1-x)4 2006
Intrinsic chemical stability of hybrid perovskites and their connection to the operational stability of perovskite solar cell devices 2019
