
Title Yearsort descending
Design and Operational Performance Maps of Calcium Looping Thermochemical Energy Storage for Concentrating Solar Power Plants 2021
Taphonomic and spatial analyses from the Early Pleistocene site of Venta Micena 4 (Orce, Guadix-Baza Basin, southern Spain) 2021
Nanoengineering palladium plasmonic nanosheets inside polymer nanospheres for photothermal therapy and targeted drug delivery 2021
Cross‐species transmission of retroviruses among domestic and wild felids in human‐occupied landscapes in Chile. 2021
DNA‐Based Nanocarriers to Enhance the Optoacoustic Contrast of Tumors In Vivo 2021
Comprehensive characterization of a cost-effective microbial fuel cell with Pt-free catalyst cathode and slip-casted ceramic membrane 2021
Les cavitats litorals de sa Punta – Portocolom – (Felanitx, Mallorca), 2º part. Descripció, topografia i aspectes geormorfològics 2021
Encapsulation of large-size plasmids in PLGA nanoparticles for gene editing: Comparison of three different synthesis methods 2021
Wrap to sort 2021
Connecting the data landscape of long‐term ecological studies: The SPI‐Birds data hub 2021
Origin, extinction and ancient DNA of a new fossil insular viper: molecular clues of overseas immigration 2021
Theoretical and empirical characterization of water as a factor: examples and related issues with the World Trade Model 2021
Custom-site Modification of Cell Surface Fucosylation via Next Generation Fucosyltransferase Inhibitors. 2021
Chronological and biological aging of the human left ventricular myocardium: Analysis of microRNAs contribution 2021
Ground-Penetrating Radar as phenotyping tool for characterizing intraspecific variability in root traits of a widespread conifer 2021
Los múltiples impactos del COVID19 en las migraciones, fronteras y políticas migratorias 2021
Layered ZnIn2S4 single crystals for ultra-sensitive and wearable photodetectors 2021
Photocatalytic degradation of acetaminophen and caffeine using magnetite-hematite combined nanoparticles: kinetics and mechanisms 2021
Phenology-mediated effects of phenotype on the probability of social polygyny and its fitness consequences in a migratory passerine. 2021
Informational cost and networks navigability 2021
